Linggo, Enero 8, 2012

Generation of Computers

A PC or Personal Computer is created and designed for us humans to make our job easier. One of it's main purpose is that it can solve different kinds of problems in just one click, and it can automatically process any operation that is really hard if you'll just do it hands on. As time passes by, computers also evolve. From Vacuum Tubes to Artificial Intelligence, each generation makes the computer more advance and more updated. Based from my research, there are 5 generations of computers, 1st was the Vacuum tubes that was created at late 1940's-1956. The first computers was really large, it can take up a lot of space in your room. It was very expensive, it can take up a lot of electricity and it can easily generate a lot of heat that can lead to its malfunction. For its effectiveness, it can only solve one problem at a time and it was really not that of a help.

2nd generation of computers was the Transistors (1956-1963). This generation of computers replaced the Vacuum Tubes, (1st generation) because it is far more reliable than the first and for it is smaller, faster, cheaper, more energy efficient, and more reliable than the first generation predecessors but the transistor still generates a great amount of heat that can really damage the computer. As for the 3rd generation of computers, (1964-1971) that is called  the Integrated Circuits which drastically increased the speed and efficiency of computers. Integrated Circuits uses keyboards and monitors and it is interfaced with an operating system, which allows the device to run many different programs/applications at one time. By this generation, computers became accessible to the people because they were smaller and cheaper than the last 2 generations.

(1971-Present) We are now using and experiencing the 4th generation of computers which is the Microprocessors. This generation has thousands of integrated circuits built into a single silicon chip. Imagine and compare the first generation computers that needs a big space like a room to fit in, and the fourth generation computers that can easily be carried around just by holding it in your palm! This generation (which we use right now)  uses computers to make their life easier, and some products that we use or even eat it are processed by microprocessors.

I don't know if the 5th generation exists right now, but according to what I had been reading in making this blog, it really exists. It is called the Artificial Intelligence. In this generation, it is still in development but for sure it will more likely to be a super computer like in the Iron Man movies etc. i'm so excited of what we can do in a 5th generation computer. :)

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